Tuesday, July 6, 2010

1st day at In These Times

I'm not only in Chicago to have fun and live the joy of being a tourist in a big city. I'm here to melt myself into the journalistic world of In These Times.
Here i am, sitting on my Futon after my first day at work! so cliche!

In These Times mag is about 20 min from where i live, so walked to get there under the early morning unbearable humid heat! wasn't the nicest walk in Chicago ever but i'm gonna have to get use to it!
Everything went well, the editor Joel Bleifuss seems nice, the people i work with as well, i haven't met the whole team yet though.
The newsroom is pretty old-fashioned but it's actually quite fun, there is old stuff everywhere, and it's even worse in my editor's office! I really wonder where all this crap come from but it's quite cool, I wouldn't mind having a home a bit similar to be honest. I'll to take some pics discretely one day.

I spent the first hours getting familiar with the intern's duties, style guide etc.
This week is an off-week as they just went into press, which means that there is not much to do, except reading articles that people sent us and give our opinions, whether or not it should be published. We have to write those comments on the top of each article. Some were very good and interesting while some were complete shit!
As usual, I believe I have probably been too opinionated compare to what the other interns wrote... (they usually wrote 2 lines when i write 15...)
I guess what i did is more constructive, I believe so anyway!

I have been looking at potential articles I could write, I've got few ideas but I have to discuss them with Joel first.

Tonight, jazz gig at Kingston Mines with Rachel!


Adrien said...

sustainable stuff is a nice topic to discuss ...

papounet ? said...

C'est super avec le traducteur, je m'améliore en Anglais à un rythme fou !
N'espère rester plus longtemps que prévu! même si tout le monde est gentil et le boulot passionnant. je tiens à ce que tu reviennes comme convenu pour terminer tes études.
Tes photos sont superbes, tu t'améliore, je suis sûr que tu peux tirer de ton appareil de merveilleuses images