Sunday, July 11, 2010

Time flies toooo fast!

Tomorrow, i have been in Chicago for 2 weeks, so one fourth of my all trip, which also means there is only 3 fourth to go!!!
I can't believe how fast time has gone.

Anyway, my intership is going well, I have been working on my article on friday afternoon,
I went to De Paul Library. De Paul is one of the best uni of Chicago. But unfortunately what I was looking for wasn't in that library but in another one downtown.
Nothing very exciting to be honest. Except that I was amazed by something completely random. It's 5.59pm, everybody was working on computers or reading some books, at 6.00 a voice said that the library is now close bla bla bla, within 2 minutes everybody left their computers and head to the nearest exit. It's so different in france and in the UK, usually, it takes at 15 min for everybody to leave and usually we also have reminders 15 mins or so before it closes.

Then, i decided to go to the park to read and chill out in the nice and warm sun. I went to Millenium Park, it was great, there were some couples (old or young) and some group of friends just enjoying the sunshine after a long week. I felt asleep on the grass and when i woke up there were hundreds of people around me. I thought: What's the fuck?! there is no sunshine anymore people. Go Home!!
There were people, who brought their small tables, with blankets, chairs, food wine and everything.... I guessed it was just a kind of habbits that people had during the summer. I asked a couple sitting next to me, and they explained that there was a symphony playing for free on the stage and that's why there was so many people.

Anyway I decided to go home, cause I had no table, nor chair, or wine... so no point staying!
Though, my lonely self went out for the first time on my own. My flatmates were working and so was Rachel, but i really want to get out there and meet some new people. There a Eurocircle party ogranized in a bar, I went there, thinking, if it's shit, nobody gonna force to stay and if it's great, then good! It took me 20 min to find this bloody place. Once in there, I knew I just had to wait for someone to come and talk to me. There was loads of men, so it wasn't gonna be hard to find someone to have a chat with.
In fact 2 minutes after i sat down and ordered my first an Italian guy came over, he was 50 something, but really nice person. He had travelled a lot and speaks very well French... He wanted to drive me home, but I'm not completely dumb and it was only 11. So I politely said no and he left on his own... bless him!
Another guy came to me and he introduced me to his friends and a French girl called Emma.
She arrived in Chicago 3 weeks ago, but doesn't speak a word of English, so it makes it obviously hard for her to understand what people... Anyway we went along, and those guys wanted to go to club called Rino. I was thinking,: awesome just like in Southampton!! ( I had a deep and long thought for everyone I went to Rhino with). (I was gutted that it wasn't called Koas, it would have made it even more awesome!!)
Nothing in common with our good old Rhino, it was 20$ gor men and free for girls. The guys gave it a miss while Emma and I went in. We met some people who had a table (opportunist? never!). They were actually very nice, I had a wicked time there and got fairly drunk!

That brings me to Saturday, just like I guessed when I went to bed, I felt pretty rough, and the heat wasn't helping at all. I was willing to go downtown and visit some touristic stuff, but after a deep reflection (it lasts approximately 2 seconds), I realized that it wasn't a good idea, and that the beach seemed a lot more exciting and appropriate for my state. The beach was nice, but not as warm and sunny as I expected it to be...
Anyway, the Beach has become one of my favorite places in Chicago: Tanned 6 Packs walking around, running and playing on the sand, I say Oh Yeah!! or OH YEAHHH!!!
(girls are pretty fit too btw).

Today, I went downtown, and this time I did do some tourist stuff. I wanted to do the 'art walk around the Loop' that my travel guide advised me to do. But I got stopped by, what i first thought was an earthquake (I had just woken up), by the filming of Transformers3. Just like I could give a shit about this crap, they had to be right where I wanted to go goddammit! Anyways, it looked so real! (,0,1827348.story)
As I mentioned, I thought there was an earthquake or something in the street, cause there war policemen everywhere and they didn't want me to take pics (on top of ruining my awesome walk, they don't want me to take pics!!! Can you believe that??? I could NOT!!!). I asked a policewoman what was going on, and she said to: "it's a filming" like I was coming from another planet.
I actually felt like that... Indeed it's not in Southampton nor in Angers that international movies filming are gonna take place.
I did manage to get come pics, cause I'm just that formidable:

We couldn't really see, but there is a camera on the rope that was moving up and down

Anyway, I carried on again my arty and delightful walk around the Loop (which was actually really disappointing, but I'm sure all the exciting stuff were on the streets that were cordoned off!)
I know that's kinda gross, a huge eye ball in the middle of the City, and it's actually really well done, with the blood vessels and everything...

That's a ceramic thing that Chagall did... it's not at its advantage, it's under a glass cover and it seems that the colors have faded out... which is a shame

My arty walk ended by Millennium Park, by the fountains with the faces. The Spanish were gathered up there to celebrate their world cup victory, was fun to see... and I'm so glad Holland didn't win, cause it would have meant they were gonna take the piss out of the French for 4 years and I'm kinda going there in September! I do struggle to cope with such a shameful country... for real i do!

After that I just walked around the city, here are a few pics of things that grabbed my attention:
Some guys street dancing

(a mall)

TheExcalibur thing is apparently a club... I haven't been in there yet, but I'm now planning to!
The Lamp is in the Victoria secret store.
Legomen and the mice are made of Lego, and are in one of the Mall i have discovered today ( see pics)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salut Camille,
C'est super de suivre tes aventures et tes découvertes au jour le jour. j'ai l'impression que ton immersion dans la vie "Chicagienne" est totale.
Que les Espagnols soient Champions en foot, ce n'est que justice, car les Hollandais lors du match de la finale n'ont pas été à leur avantage. Les Espagnols ont montré un bel esprit d'équipe et de grandes qualités techniques et tactiques.

A Angers, il fait toujours chaud, c'est un temps de vacances.
Grosses bises, ma grande fille